Regardless of our faith, we all experience difficult things in life.
Some are personal struggles and others involve relationships with others. We all this false instinct that leads us to assume life should be all smooth sailing and then curse when the water is rough. This belief is not biblical or helpful.
The tough times we all experience aren’t designed to kill our faith. God is not surprised by your difficulties and wants to help. These heavy things are actually opportunities to find our faith. If we can see through the darkness and into the light of God’s promises, we’ll find Him there. He will meet us in those hard times.
Adversity is not there to crush you. On the contrary, God intends for it to grow you. The Bible reminds of this in Romans 8:18 – “Our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us”
Trusting Jesus does not mean we get everything we desire and life without hard times.
However, life with Him means we always have hope and know He is working things for good in the end. Every heartache eventually gives way to hope. His love and resurrection assure us of that. But the pain and confusion in the moment is real and we know it can test us.
Some of the most frequent life struggles we talk with people about include the following:
- Anxiety and worry, Loneliness , Self-harm, Pornography and sexual sin , Sexuality and gender, Depression
- We are here to talk through these struggles and help you find peace while experiencing God’s love.